Postmortem -
Read details
Jan 31, 21:59 UTC
Resolved -
This service degradation is now resolved, and all impacted services are fully available and functional.
Jan 30, 20:53 UTC
Monitoring -
We identified that a long-running query overutilized the database's processing power, therefore slowing down the delivery of other campaign communications. This has now been mitigated, and the database is back to a normal state, with all communication being processed as expected.
We will be placing the affected services under monitoring for now.
Jan 23, 00:50 UTC
Update -
As we continue to investigate this incident, we can confirm that campaign communications continue to be delivered, albeit in a slightly delayed fashion.
Another update within 1 hour.
Jan 23, 00:26 UTC
Investigating -
We are investigating reports where campaign communication deliveries on the US platform are slightly delayed. This may include campaign emails, push notifications, or assistant notifications.
An update will be provided with 1 hour.
Jan 22, 23:25 UTC