On July 23rd, 2024, beginning at approximately 6:04 AM ET (10:04 UTC), we started receiving reports of published email campaigns not being received by the intended audiences. The reports were from customers hosted on the EU Firstup platform.
Scope and Impact:
The scope of this incident was restricted to customers hosted on the EU Firstup platform and impacted email campaigns on the EU Firstup platform published between 4:00 AM ET (08:00 UTC) and 7:43 AM ET (11:43 UTC).
Root Cause:
An update to a user’s profile erroneously triggered an update of over 400 campaigns authored by that user simultaneously, which overloaded the backend user planning processes, and caused delivery delays of other campaigns.
The system recovered on its own after all this user’s campaigns were updated, and processing for the delivery of other campaigns resumed.
Recurrence Prevention:
The below changes have been implemented to ensure campaign delays are prevented due to processing spikes from specific user planning processes: